Monday, March 17 2025

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 As blogger offers the best solutions to for blogger at a free of cost. Don't even worry about the domain purchase as well looking for hosting providers.
Google run BLOGGER is both a subdomain as well hosting providers at free of cost Blogspot does not restricts the maximum upload size.
The only drawback is you don't have a commercial domain. As Google domain also offers the commercial domain as the price Rs850/Year.
If you have a domain purchased from the third-party vendor such as Godaddy, Namecheap etc..  you can map it to this blogging site so that you can have your own personal domain
Always have in mind that using the third party domain does not offer the Https:// support and always serve with unencrypted Http:// connection. As it badly affects the number of views.
One of the cornerstones of the success of the blogging is writing on your blog regularly as its drive the number of viewers and the traffic to your website may grow in an over a period of time.
Posting on a blog does not mean that posting mere contents which does not have the quality contents. Do some research on topics and current trends so that it might use in writing your fresh contents which directly influence the traffic.
SEO-Search Engine Optimization
While writing the post has a mind in SEO-Search Engine Optimization. Your post must have the minimum of 300 meaningful words.As search engines not recognized images so that your contents should have maximum words.
If you are using the nice images in your post add the descriptions and  Title text(the text represents the image title), Alt text(describing your image so that the search engines grab the details of the image).
You should have a focus keyword on your post that should be included in the title as well as in your content.
You should not use the repetitive words without meaningful structure.
Try to use your little bit grammatical knowledge for more readability.
The readers always want the fresh contents of the current trending topics so that writing on those topics will improve the popularity of your site among the minuscule amount of niche readers.
You can analyze the current topics in web search as well as exclusive Google trends to show the current topics in trends.
Makes sure that your content should be little more creative and have additional information other than your competitors
Use the external links,images,table of contents if possible/necessary
While use your images/content images always keep in mind that Tha image size should be minimum so that it's load faster.Try to incorporate PNG-compressed image.
Your contents are well organized as it's has proper headings,sub headings,bulletins, paragraphs.

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